We Blew It? Douglas Trumbull’s ‘Silent Running’ Took the Counter-Culture Legacy of ‘Easy Rider’ As a Paean to the Planet We Blew It? Douglas Trumbull’s ‘Silent Running’ Took the Counter-Culture Legacy of ‘Easy Rider’ As a Paean to the Planet Read an article »
Married to the Enemy: The Pathological Obsession Beneath Michael Cimino’s ‘Year of the Dragon’ Married to the Enemy: The Pathological Obsession Beneath Michael Cimino’s ‘Year of the Dragon’ Read an article »
Michael Cimino’s ‘Year of the Dragon’ is one of the most significant action movies of the period Michael Cimino’s ‘Year of the Dragon’ is one of the most significant action movies of the period Read an article »
Michael Cimino’s ‘Heaven’s Gate’ teaches us that great art ultimately triumphs, no matter the circumstances Michael Cimino’s ‘Heaven’s Gate’ teaches us that great art ultimately triumphs, no matter the circumstances Read an article »
Michael Cimino’s ‘The Deer Hunter’ is one of the most emotionally shattering films ever made Michael Cimino’s ‘The Deer Hunter’ is one of the most emotionally shattering films ever made Read an article »